Refresh & Quench Your Thirst With
Direct Vending Singapore

About Direct Vending Singapore

Direct Vending Singapore Pte Ltd is an organization that specializes in Beverage vending services that commenced operation in 2012. The name defines the essence of bold, value & focus. 

The emphasis of the business will be mainly on providing the public with variety of quality healthy beverages spoilt for choice. As the way of living has changed tremendously over the years, with ever climbing rental and cost to operate retail businesses; vending machines serves as an excellent alternative to provide the general public with 24/7 beverage purchases.

Largest Fleet In Singapore For Fast Response

Extensive Multi-Brand Selection

Multiple vending machines and refill stations to meet diverse needs.

Wide Product Range

Leading brands across various categories to cater to consumers.

Smart Vending Technology

Real-time data for proactive monitoring.


Nationwide project management and execution.